Year 5 of Rivercross
The building looks a lot better in 3Dwarf. Anyway, the top half of the building is constructed from green glass to allow the farm beneath to keep going, and the throne room features 2 artifacts:
Ticksscorns, a Sapphire Floodgate valued at 196800.
Dimlobsters the Gill of Clearing, a claystone floodgate valued at 61200. - crash2455
There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-07-22
DF Masters - Rivercross
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2009-07/crash2455-Rivercross-DF Masters R1 (River-spr-1005-1005-0.fdf-map
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: Meta - 2009-07-14 to 1005 Early Spring
What a really large bridge! :)
I love the tribute, but I think that floors could have look better, in a dwarf's way.
The maze and the unfinished arch look great.
Submitted by: Danarca - 2009-07-22 to 1005 Early Spring
The bridge isn't very stylish, but I LOVE your maze and the tribute, that's simply amazing!