Combined World - 1018 Mid Spring by ricemastah

Map Description:

Swordclasp 1018

Alright this is the first of a series of maps that I will be uploading under this name. The forts will generally be named at the top of the description. I probably will have a few forts that aren't posted up here, but that will be because they would be test forts for ideas I want to try out.

Also as a general disclaimer I am using cheats and stuff to speed up my constructions. Also the main reason the forts seem to take so many years is simply because I queue up a bunch of mining/constructions/whatever and leave the comp to finish it up. Also I want most of the visible objects to be masterpiece quality only. Yeah, all masterpiece quality furniture. If I were really crazy I would accept only masterpiece decorations on them. But that would be silly and unnecessary. Anyway this will be the first map I post for this world, Swordclasp!

A little project I'm now working on. I mercilessly cheated on this one. It would take far to long to get all the pearlash and there would be no way to get enough rock crystal to make all those tables and thrones into masterpieces. So, yea, I cheated. Sorta takes a bit out of it. However, I am dealing with 100 children so give me a little break

Point of Interest: Queen Consort's Throne Room

( 1018 Mid Spring → 1019 Early Spring )

The soon to be queen's throne room. Construction on the bedroom and dining room are still under planning. King's Quarter's are yet to be designed as are the Duke and Duchess' quarters. - ricemastah

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2009-09-20

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Submitted by: Nilus - 2009-07-02 to 1018 Mid Spring

Gone a bit overboard with the engravings, have we?

Submitted by: Faylon - 2009-07-04 to 1018 Mid Spring

Needs smoothing of the surface.

Submitted by: ricemastah - 2009-07-16 to 1018 Mid Spring

I want everything in the fort to be a masterpiece. In some sense that sort of includes engravings. Right now they are all exceptional and master piece. Should I construct over all of the non-masterpiece engravings and then re-engrave them? It would be ridiculous and worthy of the game. But at the same time would be extremely time-consuming because with 200+ dwarves my fps is extremely low. I am unsure of how to proceed at this point. Any ideas guys?

Submitted by: Ajar - 2009-09-06 to 1029 Mid Summer

Amazing scale

Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-09-19 to 1031 Early Spring

Yikes, the throne room... x.x its as big as half my forts.

Submitted by: Harvick - 2009-09-20 to 1031 Early Spring

Engrave EVERYTHING in the fort and then you will have a masterpiece. Line the halls with master piece golden statues decorated with goblin king bone, fill the water with melted silver and have silver water. And then, submerge the whole thing in lava and seal it off to never see the light of day again.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-07/ricemastah-Swordclasp-AWESOME-1018-6186.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
