Rampartclinch - 308 Mid Spring by VengefulDonut

Map Description:

Changes since last time:
-The level for the (future) king and consort has been dug out. Some rooms will be used for the duchess and consort who have started complaining about room quality after being promoted.
-The "underground forest" / "back yard" / "inside outside" has been completed
-The goblin filter is supposedly functional, but hasn't yet had a completely satisfactory test run.
-A level full of rooms that don't yet have any purpose has been dug
-The catacombs has been smoothed and filled with coffins. Most empty. Some not.

Point of Interest: Containment area

The goblin filter will now drop things here, since I've realized it's a bad idea to let goblins with bows have a view of the central shaft. Now they get to wait for a while before dropping to their deaths. Also, this will (hopefully) let me capture goblins without scaring off the rest of the siege, since the guests dont die on entry.
These hatches are currently operated by lever, which is irritating. At some point I will need to build a timer so that no dwarven input is required to clean out the goblins from here.
Also, assorted pets have wandered in. Their owners will be sad to see them go. - VengefulDonut

There are 9 comments for this map series, last post 2010-04-09

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Submitted by: Sourlout - 2009-06-11 to 304 Early Spring

.......*jaw drops to floor*

How long did digging all that stone out take you?

Did you use any digging designating program?

Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-06-12 to 304 Early Spring

Mmmm... Stolen.

Submitted by: VengefulDonut - 2009-06-12 to 304 Early Spring

The designs were done in MS paint, and the bedroom level, tomb level, and workshop level were designated with quickfort. It really misbehaves on the edges, though, so many times it seemed it would have been less work by hand.

[Message edited on 2009/06/13 at 04:57 by VengefulDonut]

Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2009-06-16 to 304 Early Spring

FAVORITE!! I could never dream to make a fortress I actually liked to look at!

Submitted by: Coaldiamond - 2009-06-17 to 304 Early Spring

Is that a waterfall running down your central staircase? And to where will it go?

Submitted by: VengefulDonut - 2009-06-17 to 304 Early Spring

That's actually a leak because of work being done in the aquifer. It isn't severe enough to actually fill the bottom level, so there's no problem.

Submitted by: Lord_Shadow - 2009-06-19 to 304 Early Spring

....*jaw drops*


Submitted by: Hagh - 2009-06-20 to 308 Mid Spring

This is beautiful. Every level is a pleasure for the eyes.
A few ideas stolen btw.

Submitted by: PetrGasparik - 2010-04-09 to 308 Mid Spring

can you give us guides how to make this?

from ms paint to excel to quickfort?

i never tried quickfort nor other utils for rapid designing

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-06/vengefuldonut-Rampartclinch-region1-308-5810.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
