Garlicgrass - 204 Early Autumn by Aquilegia

Map Description:

My first and only (at the moment) fortress. The design is quite bad I think to run a fortress efficiently; long walks between stockpiles, not really much utilization of the z-levels, but at least it works and I'm learning : )

Point of Interest: First water system

Here you can see water-filled corridors leading from the river to the central reservoir. In this corridors several fortifications+floodgates are placed since I didn't have experience with water yet.

The most south 1-tile corridor is the oldest one. Around half-way to the river I even build another reservoir to slow down the water, but this wasn't in fact necessary. It took half a year for the water in this channel to reach this reservoir, so I build another 1-tile corridor, but even then the reservoir was filling very slowly (I think evaporation was to blame) so I build the 2-tile channel and things went reasonably quick then.

One z-level below is the well over the second reservoir. Go one z-level further down to see the water. Three z-levels below the corridors and river is the connection between the 2 reservoirs which is currently closed. When I dug down my dwarves found all this tasty hematite in the walls of the future reservoir and decided to dig it all away and construct walls of chalk on this level instead of natural walls. The same decision 2 z-levels lower of the connection for a nice blue coloured stone almost proved fatal, since the dwarves had suspended building 1 tile of wall without me noticing it, but the floodgates could be shut of before the entire fortress was flooded. You can still see the mud. - Aquilegia

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-06-14

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Submitted by: Huttuunen - 2009-06-13 to 204 Early Autumn

This is actually pretty cool fortress already. :)
You are doing very well if this is your first fortress!

Submitted by: Aquilegia - 2009-06-14 to 204 Early Autumn

Thanks :) I actually read almost the entire wiki before getting started so that might have helped a bit, but I intend to keep playing with this one until I understand also the late-game so my next fortresses won't fail just after I spend days on some magnificent designs for them : )

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