This mighty fortress is the first fortress I upload in a long while.
It boasts lots and lots of nickel (that has been converted into lots of nickel barrels and cages (that have been transformed into a dragon cage and a titan cage :)))
Initially this fortress has been demolished by olmmen, but has been reclaimed and brought to its current glory.
Since I was a bit short on time and framerate, I haven't made any huge projects yet (except maybe the tower or the tree farm)
Hopefully the future will feature a newer version of this fortress.
( 307 → onwards )
Well, these are zoos. The top one has a titan, whom I thought I could let go and let roam in his little area, but he was soon butchered by my archers :(
The bottom area features a Dragon in a cage (in the center, hidden by that Donkey) and a Titan in a cage (top-left), lots of people like partying there. - Slartibartfast
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