This is the end of my super long turn, megaprojects are large and abundant.
My down and dirty rendition of an execution shaft. A thirteen Z-level drop (twice that of the first one!) is followed by impalement, and the remains are blown into the pit surrounding the raised spike. - Barbarossa the Seal God
There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2009-05-20
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Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2009-05-18 to 205 Early Spring
Nice underground river.
I really wish i'd known about the fortifications trick before.
Submitted by: Barbarossa the Seal God - 2009-05-18 to 205 Early Spring
Yeah, I forgot to change the smoothed wall into fortifications, but it should be all right. Anyways, I like the fortification trick because it's like having a chasm on every map!
Unless you get a map that spews water out of fortifications.
Submitted by: bollerkarl* - 2009-05-18 to 205 Early Spring
Scusi for the stupid question, but what fortification trick are you talking about?
Submitted by: Barbarossa the Seal God - 2009-05-18 to 205 Early Spring
Well, do you know how you can't channel out the side of the map? On stone layers, you CAN smooth the edge.
This means it is carvable. Once you have a hole in the edge of the map, you can drain water (not magma), flush garbage, and stuff.
((Note: on some maps, the fortifications inexplicably shoot out water at insane velocities. You MIGHT be dead in seconds))
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-05-18 to 205 Early Spring
Err... cool fortress. Like the walled off areas for each of the nobles, and the space dedicated various tasks. Reminds me of an "Olympic Village" what with the different event areas spaced out. "First up track and field... followed by pit jumping, and for the finalé our resident mayor..."
Submitted by: Barbarossa the Seal God - 2009-05-18 to 205 Early Spring
I may continue this fortress without the community/succession (as its dead), so that I can continue turning this fortress into a haven of megaprojects.
Reinhammers? Maybe.
Submitted by: bollerkarl - 2009-05-20 to 205 Early Spring
Ahhh monster trick, thank you!
I already thought about how to do a big waterfall in my underground fortress that lacks a pit or chasm, was planning for a massive autonomous water system with cisterns below my big hall and a pump system left and right that pump the water up again, in an endless circle.