Cashcow - 1056 Early Spring by Zaratustra

Map Description:

Fortress built in order to achieve as much Created Wealth as possible in 5 years for a competition.

Point of Interest: Main Sprawl

This ugly maze of rooms houses the dining rooms and kitchen to the left, assorted workshops in the middle and the metal workings on the right. There wasn't really much space to work with between chasm and lava. - Zaratustra

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2007-11-23

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Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2007-09-22 to 1056 Early Spring

Wow, how much wealth do you have as of now?

Submitted by: Zaratustra - 2007-09-22 to 1056 Early Spring

2.87 million monies.

Submitted by: Zaratustra - 2007-09-22 - Removed

Submitted by: Genuine - 2007-09-22 to 1056 Early Spring

Tip: For tons of added wealth, engrave EVERYTHING. Masterpiece engravings add (I think) 150 or so to your wealth for every one. As such, smooth over everything until you get a legendary engraver, then have him/her detail it all. Because you only need one dwarf to do this, it is a very efficient way to increase your wealth quickly.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-11-23 to 1056 Early Spring

I only just caught the gem window PoI by random, that's so cool tho! I wonder if you could make a neon sign style line that chased itself around...

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