Standardwild - 1066 Early Autumn by Zaltanek

Map Description:

I found this save file while going through old versions of DF. I started digging and found and aquifer. This fortress is a few years after that discovery. I have pretty much stopped work on this fortress after i upgraded to 40.d. In the conversion process it prevents you from altering dwarven professions.
A couple of notes:
Roughly 200 pumps were active at certain times to pierce the aquifer.
The power generation is over 2000 and most of it is used.
2 levels of aquifer were pierced. I believe it was a 44 by 44 hole.
One aquifer was tapped as a fountain, using the aquifer below as a drain.
One aquifer was walled off and floodgated to be used as a lake.

Point of Interest: Aquifer level 2 - Turn a aquifer into a lake.

This level was drained using the pumps above. The staircases and walls were then constructed. Floodgates were added to the internal aquifers in the center. By turning off the pumps and opening the floodgates this level turns into a lake. If I ever need to empty the level I turn on the pumps, close the gates and it drys in a few minutes.
The inner ring of aquifer is where the fountain drains into.
The lake actually takes far longer to fill than it takes to drain. It can be drained in a few minutes, takes around 30 or more to fill. - Zaltanek

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2009-06-06

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Submitted by: Doomender - 2009-06-06 to 1066 Early Autumn

Hey, nice fountain. I try to do the same basic theme, but my dwarves keep drowning. Maybe I should go for your method....

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-04/zaltanek-Standardwild-region2-aut-1065-1066-22397.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
