Foresthold - 109 Early Spring by timmeh

Map Description:

Okay, plenty new this year, including a semi-mega project for the disposal of unwanted creatures, a pit-tower that goes to a "splatter zone" on the bottom z-level (~15 below ground) from a tower that will eventually reach to the top z-level (~15 above ground). I've included all the layers on the map so you can see how deep it goes and how much farther I have to build.

I also dug out a massive new food storage area, cleaned out the king's (if/when he shows up) throne room of loose stone.

In addition to the above, I have some goblin prisoners, and just completed an arena, starting with my newest squad against some goblin thieves/baby snatchers. I may throw the cougar the elves sold me in as well, just for kicks.

Unfortunately, I really don't have the time or patience to update all the PoI from the older versions of this fortress, and will only be adding the new stuff.

Point of Interest: 7. The The Arena

A very simple arena. I stick the challengers in the cages on the right (in this case, some goblin thieves/baby-snatchers), and station the dwarf competitors on the room opposite them. Then I use the levers above to raise the bridges, and open the cages. Once I'm ready to start I pull a final lever that lifts the copper bars and the pain ensues.

I'm planning on using these weaker goblins as practice for some newer recruits, who have been practicing wrestling each other up until now.

A glass window allows dwarves to watch, but also tends to scare them off once the goblins are released. - timmeh

There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2009-05-09

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Submitted by: juice - 2009-03-19 to 102 Early Spring

Lookin good so far. What's with the logs in the river?

Submitted by: Jurph - 2009-03-20 to 102 Early Spring

I really like the spiral staircase design!

I suspect that the logs in the river fell in during moat construction: trees prevent channelling, so the trees were ordered to be chopped... then channels were designated before the logs got hauled off. I wish dwarves would move logs/stones away from the dig site like they do when placing workshops!

Anyway timmeh, it's a good solid aboveground fort. If I were on this map I'd be very worried about trees growing to block my wagon access. Are you planning to build a road? Will it be lined with watch-towers, or will the edges be sprinkled with traps?

Submitted by: timmeh - 2009-03-24 to 103 Early Spring

@juice - Thanks!

The logs are, like Jurph suggested, from loose logs being on the tiles when they were mined.

@ Jurph - Thank you! I'm considering using a smaller version for the towers.

I've started a road (thanks for the reminder!). I plan to get some watchtowers along the road, probably connected to the fortress by underground tunnels, and with no other way in/out, to prevent unwanted access through the tunnels.


Thanks again, to both of you!

Submitted by: Maggarg - 2009-04-04 to 105 Early Spring

I like your eight towers along the road, perfect to impress those barbarian humans and elves.
I don't particularly like the smoothed floor tiles for this tileset though, they look too raised, if you know what I mean.

Submitted by: Phazer - 2009-05-07 to 110 Early Spring

Damn i like those curved walls, Really nice work youve done to youre fort.

and you got to love whats left of those youve thrown down from youre death tower.

Submitted by: timmeh - 2009-05-08 to 110 Early Spring


I've got the tileset on the wiki, if you want it.

[Message edited on 2009/05/08 at 10:14 by timmeh]

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-05-09 to 110 Early Spring

Its so... flat, at least on the surface! Very cool space you've sealed off though, and everything is building down towards an epic fort.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-04/timmeh-Foresthold-region1-109-3.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
