Inkyconstructs - 206 Late Autumn by Zaltanek

Map Description:

Two years have past and the temple is about to receive its first sacrifice of 156 lives. Construction of the artifical lake has begun as well. The housing project are just waiting for the construction of windows before the indoor water works are turned on.

Point of Interest: Lower Sewer system

While not truly a sewer, it will provide the water necessary for the housing. The water comes in from the artifical lake 1z level below the dining area. When it rises to fill level 6 hour hatches open to send the waterfalls down to the lowest z level. Part of that water is then pumped into the sewers. When full the sewers power will be activated and it will be pumped into the housing sections above. Controlled by pressure plates there should be a continual flow of water. - Zaltanek

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2011-01-25

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Submitted by: ClsfdKidd - 2009-03-27 to 204 Early Summer

Dude, this is looking very nice indeed. Bravo!

Submitted by: Stromko - 2009-03-28 to 204 Early Summer

Wow you're really going full-bore with the circular designs and patterns. Very inspiring!

Submitted by: Zaltanek - 2009-05-01 to 209 Early Spring

While not exactly 178 waterfalls, it does provide a waterfall to 178 rooms.

Submitted by: Unbeltedsundew - 2011-01-25 to 209 Early Spring

Oh man... this is awesome. Why hasn't it got more attention?

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-04/zaltanek-Inkyconstructs-region2-win-202-206-26961.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
