Silverstraps - 1063 Late Winter by Lightning4

Map Description:

Much has passed in the last 7 years, but this year has been hell for the dwarves of Silverstraps. It started with a simple goblin siege, and the fortress' first champion. Sadly, he charged out and caught some bolts, and in an effort to save him in an attempt to stop his demise, lost more dwarves. Then the chaos struck. Chain tantrumers everywhere. The river bridge was destroyed no less than five times, and the secondary bridges three, each. Many pets were claimed, making even more dwarves unhappy, and drowning more dwarves. Silverstraps was nearly consumed by madness. Dwarves fuming from the ears, throwing objects, punching cows, and toppling bridges. Dwarves running around spouting nonsense and merrily hopping into the river. Ratmen pouring from the chasm, chasing dwarves and pushing a few unlucky dwarves into the chasm or the magma flow.
I count myself lucky though, as the madness subsided, leaving the fortress still 147 dwarves strong. Just goes to show what tantrums can do to a fort. When the siege hit, the fortress had mid 190's. Only about 10-12 dwarves were lost to the goblins, the rest lost to the chaos.

In lighter news, the Arena was built and has hosted a few matches already. Pitting the enemies of the fortress against each other is quite fun.

Point of Interest: Dining Hall

Was originally intended to be flooded but should have planned it much farther from the cave river. Seasonal floods make the floor all muddy, and can push things into the channels. So it's probably going to remain unflooded for a long time.

Maybe I'll channel some magma into it instead. - Lightning4

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2007-09-15

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-09-07 to 1063 Late Winter

Nice tombs... unfortunate that so many dwarves tantrumed, always a painful time in any fort. Good work paving the chasm :)

Submitted by: Lightning4 - 2007-09-15 to 1063 Late Winter

Thanks for the comments, and yeah, it was a pretty brutal time.

Long in the past now, the fortress has well recovered and is in a pretty stable time. I need to post it soon, it's 1071 now and much progress has been made.

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