Relicsteel - 208 Mid Summer by gades1313

Map Description:

My 5th or 6th Fortress. Still a work-in-progress with projects uncompleted. With a name like Relicsteel steel should be in abundance in the fortress, yet alas I have yet to find any iron ore. All iron has come from Goblins thus far, and besides some suits of armor, steel production hasn't been a priority.

Point of Interest: Magma Production Area

Here the magma pipe to the right was utilized to power my magma production industry. Starting from the right are my four smelters. These are constantly in use due to the abundance of copper and zinc ore, as well the melting down of enemy iron gear. Close by are wood furnaces for charcoal, and an ashery. Next are the four magma forges. These also are used constantly. Finally there is the four glass furnaces. Stockpiles for the furnaces are either are a level below. - gades1313

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-04-01

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Submitted by: Jurph - 2009-04-01 to 208 Mid Summer

I like some of the perimeter concepts here - having a large valley all to yourself, for example, where you can farm trees with impunity. That's pretty cool!

Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-04-01 to 208 Mid Summer

When digging out your obsidian farm, use ramps instead of channels. You should be able to just designate the whole thing to be mined out in one go, versus doing single lines of channel designations.

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