FriendlyWorks - 216 Early Summer by Cheshire Cat

Map Description:

Welcome to Friendlyworks, one of my largest fortresses to date.

attractions include the huge dam in the lower left corner, i selected this site specifically for the brook above a cliff, and lucked out with both a cave and HFS as well.

the upper right has a maze of doors with the tombs, and under the fort are some soon to be water caves, which should be good for adventurers. this fortress was only somewhat planned, so the top few levels are messy.

the desert is populated by camels, giant leapoards, cougars and giant desert scorpions. the hills have giant eagles and sasquatches. surprisingly the camels actually seem the most dangerous, they kept getting into bits of the dam while i was building it, going crazy, then killing the masons.

interestingly, just about every goblin civ is within a few world tiles of this fort, and it seems to have made for the biggest sieges i have ever seen.

Point of Interest: The Other Dam

this is my other tiny dam i made while i was waiting for the first one to fill. its entirely bauxite. pumps will bring the water up to it when i get them going properly, there have been odd problems with the water wheels.

this dam is intended so an adventurer can come out of the tombs after plundering them for artifacts and wealth, drain the dam, and then cross the amazing bauxite and iron set of sky bridges and towers that lead into the fort. the levers in the top of each tower lower the bridge to the next one, the towers have bins filled with awesome stuff, like masterwork adamantium trap components.

my super awesome mayor managed to kill himself by pullning the lever in the top of this dam then walking onto the bridge next to it, which closed and crushed him.

let me know what you think. - Cheshire Cat

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Submitted by: Cheshire Cat - 2009-05-12 - Removed

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