Lancerworked - 145 Late Spring by sonerohi

Map Description:

The first year for our succession fort! I included all the levels we have activity on, and also the uppermost level and lowermost level. The thread for it is here:

Point of Interest: The fortress wheel

To the west is where one comes down from the depot, and descends to a bridge that takes you under the lake. After crossing, you go up the central ramps to the east, down the corridor, and up the ramps at either end to come up in the mechanics cornering that can be seen from the 'The forts red heart' POI. The lake is merely a reroute of the brook. Housing is being worked on, albeit slowly, in the many rooms ringing the lake. I have my office here, with magnificent glass windows looking into our lake. The stairs across the way lead up to the depot, while the stairs north-east and south-est lead down into a tunnel that will take you into our meeting hall, and soon to-be forgery. - sonerohi

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2009-03-28

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Submitted by: Stray Elvis - 2009-03-27 to 144 Early Autumn

Nice beginnings, I like the look.

Submitted by: LegoLord - 2009-03-27 to 145 Late Spring

Holy carp, that is one awesome fort for one so young.

Submitted by: sonerohi - 2009-03-28 to 145 Late Spring

Hey Lego, just wait till you see the end of my term. Also, hope noone minds that I removed cave-adaption for this. I frickin hate seeing a fort begin to look like some funky-ass christmas tree with vomit everywhere.

Submitted by: sonerohi - 2009-03-28 to 146 Early Spring

Passin it on to death now.

Submitted by: LegoLord - 2009-03-28 to 146 Early Spring

Hate to be a party pooper, but weapon traps won't work on HFS. Upright spike traps might work, if you can find something that doesn't melt on contact with SoF. Even raw Adamantine melts from those baddies.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-03/sonerohi-Lancerworked-region21-145-8474.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
