Citybite - 377 Early Spring by Phrog

Map Description:

The fortress keeps chugging along. Work on the gauntlet for the goblins and other siege members to run through is progressing nicely. The fortress population sits at 79 and has been that way for nearly a year. I'm dying to hit 80 so I get the baron, the economy, and the sieges to test out my champion-filled army.

19th Granite, 377: There was another ambush today. Aside from the usual goblins there was a human lasher. I knew that there were humans in the goblin civilization (indeed, most of their leaders are human), but seeing one on the field is something new altogether. Ah well, humans bleed just like the rest of them. A war dog that was guarding one of the woodcutters outside had its throat removed in short order by the dastardly human, marking the first combat-related injury and casualty Citybite has witnessed. One of our soldiers retaliated with a hammer strike that sent the human flying. Another goblin was struck back some thirty tiles, hit a tree and exploded. When looting the spoils it was found that the human was wearing an amulet of human leather! I don't know if that is terrible or spectacular.

9th Felsite, 377: The baron Thom Ikalkib arrived at our fortress's doorstep today. Citybite gains more prestige each and every season. He arrived with the tax collector (which I am sure the rest of the population will quickly grow to loathe) and the hammerer (which I am also sure the rest of the population will quickly grow to loathe). As if by magic, they were immediately followed by a goblin ambush (within ten tiles on the very edge of the map) which proceeded to kill a puppy that had arrived mere moments before. It seems that everybody wants a piece of the action. Miraculously, none of the dwarves were seriously injured despite an unimaginable disadvantage.

16th Malachite, 377: With the arrival of the baron the economy of Citybite has boomed tremendously. Several shops have been constructed as a result. èzum Kedalåth, who in addition to being the broker has been elected mayor, has proceeded to take ownership of every single one. Citybite is essentially under the economic rule of one dwarf.

28th Limestone, 377: Foolish, foolish soldiers. There was another goblin ambush today which caught the fortress entirely unawares outside the gate. A woodcutter managed a narrow escape thanks to the ever-timely squad the Granite Bells. However, a second group soon revealed itself high on the mountainside. Poor Lokum Ekzongdomas was completely blindsided, but what she was doing all the way over on that part of the map completely eludes me. She charged alone alongside her war dog who was quickly killed towards two wrestlers, a human guard, and two bowgoblins. As we cannot produce our own iron or steel decent equipment is still somewhat of a rarity, and Lokum had mere leather armor equipped when she faced the invaders.

The dwarf sparred with the human guard and sustained light injuries, not managing to land any good blows of her own (she had only received a warhammer a couple days before and knew not which end to swing with). A goblin arrow then pierced both of her lungs and her heart and sent her tumbling down the mountainside. The goblins simply kept moving as she lay on the ground unconscious and she bled to death once their forces had retreated. The worst part of all this isn't the fact that Citybite has lost a champion (indeed, wrestler champions are a dime a dozen), but the fact that now all that our engravers will carve for the next thousand years are goblins striking down dwarves even though it took the little buggers approximately thirty deaths to achieve that feat.

To top it all off, the biggest insult during this whole situation is that a siege operator stopped practicing on the catapults to be possessed and make an artifact which was composed solely of a singly piece of phyllite...

Point of Interest: Huge Cave

I'm going to have to deal with this place sooner or later... It's either send in some troops after the first siege and deal with hundreds of forbidding orders and hauling jobs (not to mention navigating the place) or flooding it with magma and losing the cave. Decisions decisions... - Phrog

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2009-02-12

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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-02-01 to 373 Early Spring

Its gonna be hard to stay away from that cave considering how huge it is.

Submitted by: Phrog - 2009-02-02 to 374 Early Spring

It won't be hard to stay away because of the size. The map has plenty of room. However, it will be hard to stay away because of the temptation of sending in some dwarves to stir up some mayhem.

Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-02-11 to 377 Early Spring

So how is your "Cave extermination unit" doing. I still see some trolls dwelling down there. (be sure to make a vid of your dwarfs going through the tunnels killing everything in their way.)

Submitted by: Phrog - 2009-02-11 to 377 Early Spring

I've been deliberating if I want to send in the troops (the Granite Bells again. They have the best equipment, skills, and some thirty kills to their name including one dwarf with twelve) or if I want to flood the entire cave with magma for hilarity's sake. Sending the troops in would be fun, but I'd also have to worry about forbidding everything in there beforehand so civilians don't go running in blindly. Then I'll have to manage a bunch of hauling jobs that the slaughter would invariably create (or, again, I could forbid the hell out of everything). Right now I'm leaning towards nuking the cave from orbit and letting Armok sort them out. Hey, at least the fort will have awesome engravings of everything melting if I do!

Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-02-12 to 377 Early Spring

sounds like a fun idea.

Submitted by: Happysafer - 2009-02-12 to 377 Early Spring

Send in the troops!

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