Numberabbey - 67 Early Spring by Kanddak

Map Description:

I built an eight-bit ripple-carry adder over the weekend and have just started the digging to take it up to sixteen bits.. I've seen a few theoretical designs for full adders on the wiki and such, but never a complete system.
See it in action here:

Point of Interest: Utilities & Controls

Ok, there's a lot going on here.

In the southwest are the main controls for the adders. Each column is one bit, with the red and blue levers as inputs and the yellow gears showing the sums. Those gears are engaged and powered to indicate a '1' in the sum and disengaged for a '0'.
The hallway to the right of that contains the utility levers which control the power and water to different parts of the system. The yellow lever is linked to all of the sum gears and is only there to turn them all off to start with so that the pressure plates will turn them on again.
Farther to the east is the bottom of the main intake pump tower.

In the northwest are the water wheels and the drain. The drainage pump tower actually continues to the top of the water tower and pumps the used water back into the system, so water is only forced through the drain back into the stream when the adder's shut down and the water tower fills up.
Although the drainage tower is only one pump wide, its intake is constantly pressurized to 7s whenever water is flowing through the adders, so there is always enough water to keep things running. I've tested it with all outputs wide open; the more water flows through the system, the more water is forced into the drainage pumps and put back into the top.
The main intake pumps, by contrast, have to wait for the streamwater to come to them. They really just serve to start the system up and make sure evaporation is offset.

A ways over to the west is part of the shaft that dumps the water tower into the adder system. The next level down is where that water is distributed to the individual adders, and also where power is distributed to the sum-display gears.

To the southeast are the stockpiles which hold the pieces for adders when I'm expanding the system. They are presently empty, except for the stone piles used to build the drawbridges. - Kanddak

There are 11 comments for this map series, last post 2009-03-31

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Submitted by: Savok - 2009-02-01 to 67 Early Spring


Submitted by: blue emu - 2009-02-02 to 67 Early Spring

The next logical step is to design a Dwarf Fortress tunnel-system that will act as a computer powerful enough for you to play Dwarf Fortress!

Submitted by: Nahkh_ - 2009-02-03 to 67 Early Spring

This is very impressive. I was designing one myself but you beat me to it. Oh well. I still have a few secret projects underway.

I particularly like the compactness and effortless extension. The color-coding is a nice addition.

Submitted by: tsen - 2009-02-05 to 67 Early Spring

Holy cripes.

Submitted by: KaelemGaen - 2009-02-06 to 67 Early Spring

Do you have a video of it working? or is it just the layout proof of concept?

Submitted by: Kanddak - 2009-02-06 to 67 Early Spring

Yes KaelemGaen, the demonstration movie is here:

Submitted by: Dakira - 2009-02-06 to 67 Early Spring

*Astounded* Wow, when you first said adder in your earlier works, I had no idea you meant it literally.

I might look into trying DF computing; ideas that popped into my heard were:
- Rather then gears be the output, why not show it with water levels. Have individual one space channels that act can act as digits. It might be limited to a non-base-ten standard, but interesting to me at least.
- A veritable "Dwarven Water Clock". Imagine it, able to tell you the DF time for day, month, and year.

[Message edited on 2009/02/06 at 08:33 by Dakira]

Submitted by: Sukasa - 2009-02-07 to 67 Early Spring

In your video you have eight side-by-side gear assemblies that apparently don't connect to each other - how'd you manage that? I wasn't aware that was possible o_O

Submitted by: Kanddak - 2009-02-11 to 67 Early Spring

Dakira: You might do that by having the output gears power pumps. You may be interested in my design for a 7-segment display or the associated forum discussion.

Sukasa: The output gear assemblies do connect to each other when they're engaged, but they are disengaged until the correct pressure plates are submerged.

Submitted by: Barbarossa - 2009-02-13 to 67 Early Spring

Holy addition! can it do subtraction?

Submitted by: crash2455 - 2009-03-31 to 67 Early Spring

Binary addition is binary subtraction, it's just how you interpret the bits.

It's too bad you can't assign multiple pressure plates to set something off, or else the drawbridge seven-segment display idea wouldn't be so complicated.

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-02/kanddak-Numberabbey-region8-67-3142.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
