Ah, Geshud Ner, the Fortress of Lakes. The last of the stone has been emptied from the lakebed and we now begin melting the stone in preparation for flooding!
Soon this will be nothing but cooling obsidian. - PTTG
There are 10 comments for this map series, last post 2010-01-09
Fortress of Lakes
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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-01-26 to 313 Late Autumn
under water fort with windows. Looks impressive. (I really hope there is a hole in your fort somewhere.)
Submitted by: Coaldiamond - 2009-02-17 to 313 Late Autumn
This is amazing. I love the concept and scale of it!
Also, I see you have an Airloch. Perhaps you're hoping to attract an Airloch Ness monster?
Submitted by: wololo - 2009-03-01 to 313 Late Autumn
Open ze floodgates!
Submitted by: Aldaris - 2009-03-26 to 313 Late Autumn
You do realise tantrumming dwarfs can destroy windows, right?
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-03-26 to 313 Late Autumn
Ahh, gone are the days when a simple channel would prevent all major flooding accidents..., I agree with Aldaris- REINFORCE THOSE WINDOWS. Infact, use solid green glass blocks as walls, much more effective.
Submitted by: Myroc - 2009-03-31 to 313 Late Autumn
Aldaris, that gives only another challenge: How long can you keep your dwarves happy enough to prevent them from tantruming and flooding the whole fortress?
Also, awesome fort.
Submitted by: Marko - 2009-04-03 to 313 Late Autumn
Maybe putting in some extra doors that can be locked in case of emergencies to limit flooding to small areas?
Submitted by: Aldaris - 2009-09-04 to 313 Late Autumn
And then abbandon and reclaim, trying to find a way to drain the fort...
Now there's a project worth of a community game.
Submitted by: Harvick - 2009-10-03 to 313 Late Autumn
Happy dwarves
Submitted by: McDolomite - 2010-01-09 to 313 Late Autumn
I like the booze storage. Looks like a vine cellar.