This is our great fortress Chamberdawn after our fifth year here.
We now only have 27 dwarves, 2 Marksdwarves and 2 Sworddwarves.
The value of our architecture is by far higher then the rest.
We had no immigrants this year.. We are starting to feel the need for expansion and need of new dwarves to fill the military ranks and make our tower stronger and deadlier
So this POI will describe the military standing of our great tower. Last year we moved all production and resources inside the tower or into the pit because of the frequent ambushes.
Currently we are trying to finish the outside of the tower so we don't need to visit it anymore except on occasion. I have marksdwarves on rotation watching the area currently being built. - ScottH
There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2009-01-16
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Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2008-12-24 to 202 Early Spring
Your fortress is pretty neat, I like the hole you dug.
Submitted by: Rekhyt - 2008-12-24 to 202 Early Spring
Nice fort i always wanted to try this.
Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2008-12-25 to 202 Early Spring
one word to solve your channeling problems. upward ramps.
Just don't do it under any full size trees...
Submitted by: ScottH - 2008-12-26 to 202 Early Spring
Thanks sneakeypete but I have already thought of that, I decided the massive collapsing way is more fun and just seems quicker.
P.S that was two words :)
Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2008-12-27 to 203 Early Spring
Looks like it's coming along nicely, can't wait to see that magma moat.
Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-01-11 to 205 Early Spring
be sure to make a movie of the final collapse!
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-01-12 to 205 Early Spring
cool fort, I don't know why you have a huge hole around your tower but its a varied fort with lots of interesting ccorners to explore.
Submitted by: ScottH - 2009-01-16 to 205 Early Spring
Thanks guys. That hole will go to the bottom eventually and be filled with magma! Once I have everything done in this fort Ill collapse it and yes magic dwarf I will definitely record it, Ill also record it when I do the collapse to remove the floors in the hole. I'm sure something entertaining will happen..
[Message edited on 2009/01/16 at 06:35 by ScottH]