This would of been better if they actually fought! It was still entertaining to see the dead corpses be sucked into the aquafier like a toilet.
I should use that disposal method for my drowning chambers. Oh well, I still can.
Maybe there could be a way to harass them so they start beating each other.
I had a video playing in the background and it yelled ''WHY CRUEL WORLD!?!'' right as the water began drowning the orcs and goblins XD
Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
[x] This CMV movie viewer uses the new ByteArray features only available with the newest version of Flash 9. Please update your player in order to view this map.
Submitted by: Erathoniel - 2008-11-29
I should use that disposal method for my drowning chambers. Oh well, I still can.
Submitted by: D12 - 2008-12-04
Maybe there could be a way to harass them so they start beating each other.
Submitted by: Vreau - 2009-07-28
I had a video playing in the background and it yelled ''WHY CRUEL WORLD!?!'' right as the water began drowning the orcs and goblins XD