The skeletal dragon pit by Phlamethrower

Movie Description:

It turns out the local goblin leader is a traitorous dwarf. He was foolish enough to wander into my cage traps, so I needed to find a new way to dispose of prisoners that's suitable for scum like him.

Since the miracle cage traps have also allowed me to capture two skeletal dragons, there was only really one thing to do: Build a skeletal dragon pit.

Edit: Rather disappointingly, both the dragons have now died. I guess they started fighting or something.

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Submitted by: El Bingeroso - 2008-11-16

I think that the dragons caught each other on fire.

Submitted by: Drone - 2008-11-16

Most likely they set something else on fire, which then set *them* on fire. They shouldn't be able to directly ignite eachother as, if memory serves correct, Dragons are immune to the special dragonfire.

Submitted by: Phlamethrower - 2008-11-16

Yeah, there were a few burning dwarf chunks they were stood ontop of. If I put any more dragons down there I should make sure I set up the cage traps first so I can recapture them straight afterwards.

Submitted by: Fire Imp - 2008-11-16

Maybe you could put the dragons behind fortifications, so they could flame things but not get flamed.

Submitted by: Corona688 - 2008-11-29

Hahaha! Draconic artillery, genius!


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
