Swirling Magma by Newtons.Bit

Movie Description:

I created a dwarf-made magma holding tank, dropped a floor through a magma pool and into my tank and filled it up. There were imp bones floating in the magma pool and they actually started moving to the hole. Amazing!

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2008-10-02

What are you init settings?

Or do you just have an amazing computer that run at 200 fps all the time 0.0?

Submitted by: Newtons.Bit - 2008-10-04

I could probably run at 400 fps :D

It's a small map, 3x3 with no chasms or HFS and I only had about 20 dwarves at the time. It makes things fast.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-13

Kinda cool, took a while for them to get moving though. Did the imp bones drain down eventually?


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
