Too bad he doesn't kill it though.
Part of Halltraded succesion game
Important: If the movie appears blank or fails to play it is because it was recorded using a corrupt version of Dwarf Fortress. This is a known bug and is reported in the tracker, bug 2489. The DFMA administration is in the process of cleaning up these movies from the site; and hopes bay12games will fix the game functionality soon.
Submitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-08-11
"Move out the way! Commin' through!"
Submitted by: Corona688 - 2008-11-02
"Carp? What carp?"
Submitted by: Tammy - 2009-11-21
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-11-24
Congrats Tammy for making the 10,000th comment on the DFMA :D
Those skeletal carp I'm guessin, or just the normal blood thirsty type?
Submitted by: Halconnen - 2009-12-08
They're skeletal, yeah
Submitted by: IronZonk - 2010-03-25
Haha, that's awesome!
I love how it's just nothing to him, the rest of the fortress has been mutilated by these things but he just shrugs it off, pushing it off of the wall.