Stars with a ridiculous artifact crown that just doubled the value of my fortress at 750k. Then a long section showing off the goblin dumper in action. Skip to the end if you get tired of watching goblins basejumping without chutes, the last frames are worth it.
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Submitted by: Moz - 2008-05-20
Best viewed at 200+ rate here.
Submitted by: theblklotus - 2008-05-20
The last frames are priceless!!!! Nice work.
Submitted by: ARSchmitz - 2008-06-07
That is amazing...
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2008-06-12
Muwhahahahhah awesome. Well recorded.
Submitted by: Myroc - 2009-03-28
For more awesomeness, replace the bottomless pit with magma.
Bonus point if you can make a drain on it so you can claim all their iron/steel equipment.
[Message edited on 2009/03/28 at 08:40 by Myroc]
Submitted by: Shoku - 2009-04-07
I can't really tell how the pump part is set up :
Submitted by: Gumby - 2009-04-09
Agreed; what's all the pump action getting itself into?
Submitted by: Shad0wyone - 2009-04-09
I think the pump is for resetting it, plates also turn on gear assembly, then the pump pumps onto the plate down there....
Submitted by: Count Dorku - 2009-05-25
How could anyone get tired of watching goblins basejumping without chutes? It's like watching them blunder straight into a weapon-trap meatgrinder - fun for all the family!
Submitted by: Moz - 2009-06-10
Indeed, the pump system was an elaborate reset mechanism. So the whole thing operates automatically.
Submitted by: Firnagzen - 2009-08-07
I love it. In fact, I built one into the entrance of my fortress, and love watching goblins go plummeting to explosive doom 15 stories below.
Submitted by: Procyon - 2016-08-09