I like how in the midst of that, I saw the Captain shatter three skeletal Elks in like... 1 second. Also... BurnedToast trying to conduct a meeting on the sidelines of the battle. xD
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Submitted by: Vanon - 2008-03-05
Submitted by: aha! - 2008-03-07
How does one turn on battle announcements in df?
Submitted by: Duncan Frost - 2008-03-07
It was done with Dwarf Companion.
Submitted by: ChrisSketch - 2008-03-08
That was the Dwarfiest meeting I've ever witnessed.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-03-08
The Mayor counterstrikes!
Submitted by: Msus - 2008-03-09
Submitted by: Samurai Man - 2009-09-27
I like how in the midst of that, I saw the Captain shatter three skeletal Elks in like... 1 second. Also... BurnedToast trying to conduct a meeting on the sidelines of the battle. xD
Submitted by: rkyeun - 2010-03-02
At 00:11, Ironblood knocks a goblin flying to the south.
He then CHASES IT, overtakes its flying body, and slams it into the ground at 00:12.