Don't worry about that hunter. He is fine. I made him a legendary swimmer because I didn't want him to die off stupidly. The carp pull him under, and he just whacks them a few times and heads for a ramp.
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Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2008-03-03
I suppose you didn't have temperature on?
Submitted by: ikkonoishi - 2008-03-03
Temperature is on. See the melted stone next to the pump. Trees don't burn
Submitted by: Vanon - 2008-03-06
Hunter cancels Return Kill: Interrupted by carp.
Submitted by: InquisitorSaturn - 2008-03-06
This would be an excellent way to end sieges.
Submitted by: Ikkonoishi - 2008-03-07
Don't worry about that hunter. He is fine. I made him a legendary swimmer because I didn't want him to die off stupidly. The carp pull him under, and he just whacks them a few times and heads for a ramp.
Submitted by: pitchblack - 2008-04-06
I have seen this before, I believe it is a bug.
Submitted by: WaS - 2008-06-15
About ending sieges this way --- do you remember, how Boatmurdered died?