Bug: Bridge not being supported by walls by Demosthenes

Movie Description:

As soon as the bridge on the right is deconstructed, the bridge on the left collapses, despite it being connected to walls.

Important: If the movie appears blank or fails to play it is because it was recorded using a corrupt version of Dwarf Fortress. This is a known bug and is reported in the tracker, bug 2489. The DFMA administration is in the process of cleaning up these movies from the site; and hopes bay12games will fix the game functionality soon.

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Submitted by: Mechanoid - 2008-01-13

It doesn't look like the walls were supported by anything, and since tiles on the diagonal don't provide support, i'd say the collapse was a correct one...
Unless the green glass block walls *were* supported. Then it'd be odd.

Submitted by: Demosthenes - 2008-01-14

They were supported from above, and they walls that support them connect to the main tower, which connects to the ground.

And the walls didn't collapse. It was just a bridge.

[Message edited on 2008/01/14 at 01:26 by Demosthenes]


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
