With the arrival of the replacement count, a replacement countess, consort to the count, arrived too. This fort isn't big enough for the two of them... one must go. Bye bye countess!
Sadly a new countess was brought to the fortress, so the wrong kind of revolution :(.
... hey, that's an idea, an execution ceremony, with a guilotine and everything for punishing murderers or for a change in goverment, a revolt... (against harsh mandates?)
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Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-01-01
Submitted by: Zemat - 2008-01-02
What the hell!!
How do you get a butcher to butcher a dwarf!?
I know there's little difference between useless beasts and nobles but still...
Submitted by: Demosthenes - 2008-01-03
Dwarf Companion.
Submitted by: Zemat - 2008-01-03
I have to try it sometime. It would be nice to create some countess leather bags
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-01-03
Zemat, sadly the Countess skin gets buried with her body. Although, that was quite creepy... seeing a dwarf carrying her skin to the grave.
Submitted by: leerok - 2008-01-04
Extraordinary. This reminds me of the French Revolution for some reason.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-01-05
Sadly a new countess was brought to the fortress, so the wrong kind of revolution :(.
... hey, that's an idea, an execution ceremony, with a guilotine and everything for punishing murderers or for a change in goverment, a revolt... (against harsh mandates?)