Something's wrong with the video, and we can't read the text, but I'm assuming you had it forbidden? I laughed on the inside when they popped their head inside your door. The drop with fortification for archery practice is AWESOME, well done on that part.
#1 - TRUETYPE mode is incompatible with recording movies.
#2 - Creatures with [BUILDINGDESTROYER:1] can destroy wooden doors. Use stone next time and you'll be somewhat safer.
[x] This CMV movie viewer
uses the new ByteArray features only available with the newest
version of Flash 9. Please update your player in order to view
this map.
Submitted by: Brewster - 2012-02-24
Something's wrong with the video, and we can't read the text, but I'm assuming you had it forbidden? I laughed on the inside when they popped their head inside your door. The drop with fortification for archery practice is AWESOME, well done on that part.
Submitted by: Quietust - 2012-02-28
#1 - TRUETYPE mode is incompatible with recording movies.
#2 - Creatures with [BUILDINGDESTROYER:1] can destroy wooden doors. Use stone next time and you'll be somewhat safer.