Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
This is my crossbow dwarf that lost both eyes early on in his career. I think he was a few steps below skilled at the time of the accident. But thanks to his amazing dedication he is now a Champion. Just watch the results of countless hours of target practice...
Follow your dreams, you can achieve your goals... I'm living proof. - Ilral 'Lightning' Sarammebzuth
Important: If the movie appears blank or fails to play it is because it was recorded using a corrupt version of Dwarf Fortress. This is a known bug and is reported in the tracker, bug 2489. The DFMA administration is in the process of cleaning up these movies from the site; and hopes bay12games will fix the game functionality soon.
Submitted by: JT - 2007-12-16
I laughed until I cried.
Submitted by: Krash - 2008-05-09
Submitted by: Stromko - 2008-07-07
If you play it backwards he's shooting himself.
Also, this is awesome.
Submitted by: Thexor - 2008-07-21
He fired one shot... BACKWARDS! How blind must you be to fire over your right shoulder! Awesome!
Submitted by: OneTwentySix - 2008-09-29
Oh god, that was amazing. Kudos to you for hosting this, and allowing it to happen.
Submitted by: MadKap - 2008-12-24
You should have named your dwarf 'Rudy'
Submitted by: leetsepeak - 2009-04-11
Haha, awesome.
Submitted by: WorMzy - 2009-04-19
Hah, I'm amazed that blindness actually does affect Dwarves like this. At least he found the right room to train in.
Submitted by: wblueskylives - 2009-07-22
That.. is so awesome
Submitted by: Danarca - 2009-07-23
At first I was like.. why does he change target so fast?
Then I realized he was actually trying to hit a single target.
I laughed.
Submitted by: KenboCalrissian - 2009-10-18
I was really hoping he'd hit that dumb peasant that wandered in. Anybody walking by past those fortifications better duck, too.