Lumber Agreement by Chthon

Movie Description:

There seems to be a myth stating that the lumber agreement has to do with how much wood is in your stockpile. In fact it is how much you cut. This video shows it in action.

Important: If the movie appears blank or fails to play it is because it was recorded using a corrupt version of Dwarf Fortress. This is a known bug and is reported in the tracker, bug 2489. The DFMA administration is in the process of cleaning up these movies from the site; and hopes bay12games will fix the game functionality soon.

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Submitted by: Chthon - 2010-08-17

Hrm.. I seem to fail at making DF videos. This should have shown woodcutters cutting down trees one at a time between checks... Anyone have any clue what went wrong?

Submitted by: Quietust - 2010-08-17

The myth is that Elves decide to impose lumber limits based on wood in your stockpiles - once you've agreed to a quota, it absolutely limits how much you can cut down.

Submitted by: Quietust - 2010-08-24

Chthon: what went wrong is that you used the SDL version to record the movie, and the SDL version is broken - movie recording only works in the Legacy version right now.


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
