TRAP FAIL by quinnr

Movie Description:

This is my first MASSIVE mistake....I was making a trap in case I wanted to self destruct my place for fun...and messed up while mining down to make the water flow to the gate...the video explains the rest...I just have to fix all the flooding, it should evaporate though, right?

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Submitted by: quinnr - 2009-10-03

Oh, the water gate was not even done, but I messed it up anyway...Double failure!

Submitted by: Quietust - 2009-10-03

If all you did was drain a murky pool, you'll be just fine - give it some time, and all of the water will evaporate.
If you want to clean up the muddy soil left underneath, just build some dirt r(O)ads.

Submitted by: quinnr - 2009-10-03

Thanks, its already gone now...I was afraid I'd have to have some fun!


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
