Tentacle demons attack from the adamantine and glowing pits, as some 30 dwarves fight a losing battle over a narrow chasm bridge.
The unhappy thought coursing through everyones' head is from a single initial death that was caused by a Fire Man. Yes, one death will make 70% of a reclaim instantly unhappy. Beware the friend status.
Note: Dwarves were modified to have magenta blood so i can tell when they're injured while fighting goblins.
Free Merchants
Submitted by: Ironhand - 2009-09-30
You shall not pass!
SQUELCH. Gurgle.
Okay, yeah, you can pass.
Submitted by: Harvick - 2009-09-30
You'll almost never win an up close fight against HFS unless you have many champions fully geared with adamantine, the best way is dogs chained up and champion marksmen
[Message edited on 2009/09/30 at 08:04 by Harvick]
Submitted by: Niyaxov - 2009-10-01
Whoa! Intense fight!
What are the little blue e's?
Submitted by: Harvick - 2009-10-03
those light blue people are "from the underworld" they come out of the pits
Submitted by: The Brewski - 2010-09-09
Just gotta chime in, watching this fight never gets old. This is what Dwarf Fortress really is. Desperate battles for the livelihood of a small piece of land in a god-forsaken hellhole against a fantasy-turned-reality abomination from Japan.
Also I like how they show their true numbers at the end of the movie.