Dwarf Tomb Part 1 by Dakira

Movie Description:

This movie shows a crucial part of stopping water from entering the underground water chamber in Sensei's vault.

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Submitted by: Dakira - 2009-08-09

When the earth first fell and water came out, I was worried that I had sprung a leak and the collapse failed. Luckily there was no leak but it seems like the water in the tunnel switched places with the top layer of earth and then washed into the pit.

Submitted by: Sensei - 2009-08-11

I knew I should have dug up from the tunnel that the river so there wouldn't be enough natural earth above it... but I figured the water pressure would make such a cavein impossible. Little did I know falling walls go through floors.

Foiled again!


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
