Any time a liquid is forced to move only diagonally (there is no orthographic movement to the same square) it loses a great deal or all of it's pressure.
1. Draw the design in MS paint
2. Click on flood fill and another color
3. Flood-fill at any point in the design.
If the flood fill fails to color a part of the design, then that part will have no liquid with horizontal pressure in it. (but it will still flood eventually, and vertical pressure may still apply!)
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Submitted by: Mechanoid - 2009-08-05
Any time a liquid is forced to move only diagonally (there is no orthographic movement to the same square) it loses a great deal or all of it's pressure.
1. Draw the design in MS paint
2. Click on flood fill and another color
3. Flood-fill at any point in the design.
If the flood fill fails to color a part of the design, then that part will have no liquid with horizontal pressure in it. (but it will still flood eventually, and vertical pressure may still apply!)