I should clarify -- that brown X is not a floodgate, it's a bin . Lousy place for it, but I got tired of waiting for the dwarves to haul it away before I dug the channel.
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Submitted by: keturn - 2007-11-17
I should clarify -- that brown X is not a floodgate, it's a bin . Lousy place for it, but I got tired of waiting for the dwarves to haul it away before I dug the channel.
Submitted by: Roara - 2007-11-22
Submitted by: Hishan - 2008-07-22
Does the water not go through the fortification?
Submitted by: Myroc - 2009-03-22
Yes, it does flow through, but a pump pumps it out the second it comes in.
I gotta do this the next time i'm in an area with running water.
Submitted by: Chicken Launcher - 2010-03-19
An underwater catapult, now that's dwarfy!
Submitted by: saxifrage - 2010-04-26
Oh god I contemplated the physics behind this and now my brain is escaping.