Simple and safe swimming pool by redhades

Movie Description:

My swimming pool in action.
Keeps my dwarfs locked in a safe 4 to 5 water level.

There are four floodgates, two levers, two pressure plates, one wall grate and one floor grate.
One lever forces the two floodgates at the water input to both be open or closed.
The other lever forces the two other floodgates in the lower water drain to both be open or closed.
One pressure plate controls a floodgate at the water input with a water level range of 0 to 3.
The other pressure plate controls a floodgate in the lower water drain with a water level range of 5 to 7.

Water flows into the pool when both input floodgates are open. Water stops flowing in when any of the two floodgates gets closed.
Water flows out of the pool when any of the two drain floodgates is open. Water stops flowing out when both floodgates get closed.

So to start the swimming lessons, you lock the door inside the pool, you close the floodgates in the lower drain, and then you open the floodgates at the water input. Then you just wait.
The two inner floodgates automated by the pressure plates will alternate their open and closed state until an equilibrium of water level 4 to 5 is reached inside the pool. At that point, both inner floodgates will stay shut, leaving the dwarfs in a safe swimming state.

The water level inside the pool, randomly alternating tiles of water with 4 and 5, will spam the floodgate in the lower drain with Open and Close states, but never keeping them long enough for the floodgate to actually execute an Open state. This is a case when the floodgate latency becomes useful.

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-05-23

Creative. I've not had much luck with pressure plates.


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
