Helping a friend by mcnmac

Movie Description:

This is definitely a strange name for a Dwarf Fortress video, but this one has nothing to do with killing or suffering (as most videos do). Instead, it records how two dwarves, who consider themselves friends, can help each other out. It all started when the fortress Ancientbelch suddenly ran out of booze. Faced with having to work with no alcohol (a fate worse than death it seems), every dwarf began marching towards a river or murky pool, when thirst called. This began a series of horrible deaths caused by falling into water, or being killed by sea creatures. One of those victims was 'Buck', a farmer, and lover of the original carpenter, one of the first seven. When 'Buck' somehow mysteriously died (never did see how that happened, beginning to feel suspicious), Carpentra, his lover, carried his corpse all the way to his tomb, which is unconveniently located at the lowest possible level. Following this incident, Carpentra refused to work, with a job status of 'Attending Meeting'. She constantly followed the only wood cutter, nick named 'Chuck', every where he went. Chuck on the other hand, being a jerk, conveniently ignored her desperate cries for help. With a suggestion from helpful forum members, I removed all of Chucks job abilities, and assigned the wood cutting job to some one else. It worked. This caused both of them to show the same status of "Attending Meeting", and walk all the way to a bedroom. I am not sure who's room it was, as all of the rooms were dedicated, but Carpentra suddenly returned to her duties, and I was able to place Chuck back as a wood cutter. I only recorded this because I was not sure exactly what would happen. It was more of a study in dwarf behaviour than anything, and looks more like a boring dwarf documentary. I really was not sure if Carpentra would return to normal, or cut Chuck into bite sized Chuck chunks. This is the only reason I recorded this. As an interesting, and equally boring note, Carpentras emotions switched from feeling depressed, to feeling fine. If you have absolutely nothing to do, feel free to watch a documentary on dwarf behaviour. Or, as the name of the fortress implies, make a belch.

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Submitted by: THLawrence - 2009-04-14

Chuck is your expedition leader. Dwarves who are upset can go and talk to the leader of the fort (Mayor or EL) to feel better. It has been in the game for a quite a while.

Sorry, it doesn't have to do with them being friends. It is only because he is the one in charge.

Submitted by: banna - 2009-04-18

Just you wait, there'll be more things that will impress you much more than this.


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
