It's quite space-consuming, yes, but beautiful at the same time. bits of large empty spaces can be easily modified by hand to noble rooms or workshop rooms.
Doesn't seem to work for me, it starts off alright, but ends up drawing a few too many large area's and it ends up looking very strange(not at all like your video).
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Submitted by: LordGrunt - 2009-03-31
It's quite space-consuming, yes, but beautiful at the same time. bits of large empty spaces can be easily modified by hand to noble rooms or workshop rooms.
Submitted by: Fire Imp - 2009-03-31
Submitted by: nortom - 2009-12-11
Doesn't seem to work for me, it starts off alright, but ends up drawing a few too many large area's and it ends up looking very strange(not at all like your video).
Anyone have an idea?