Cliff Cut (Yet Another Cavein Movie) by Zaratustra
Movie Description:
Cutting the cliff to reveal the outline of the fortress behind it. Will do it on the other side too... when I have like eight miners. This took forever and cost me two miners.
Yay, very cool. Do the dwarves walk through the water fall to get to the fort? I guess you're lucky you had such a good spot to build in in the first instance, or good vision.
Zartustra, I added Foldedarmors to the fortress name field for the movie so there is a link back to your fort on the left now. You can make internal links to movies using a BB tags like [ movie=113 ], or [ map=1395 ] in your posts... (Back to Foldedarmors)
[Message edited on 2007/11/12 at 06:29 by Markavian]
[x] This CMV movie viewer
uses the new ByteArray features only available with the newest
version of Flash 9. Please update your player in order to view
this map.
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2007-11-12
Yay, very cool. Do the dwarves walk through the water fall to get to the fort? I guess you're lucky you had such a good spot to build in in the first instance, or good vision.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-11-12
Zartustra, I added Foldedarmors to the fortress name field for the movie so there is a link back to your fort on the left now. You can make internal links to movies using a BB tags like [ movie=113 ], or [ map=1395 ] in your posts... (Back to Foldedarmors)
[Message edited on 2007/11/12 at 06:29 by Markavian]
Submitted by: Pathos - 2007-11-12
Try using supports to hold up the floors, and link them to a lever. Make sure to take out the stairs before you collapsed it, though.
Submitted by: Zaratustra - 2007-11-13
I was thinking of doing something behind a waterfall already. The waterfall fort entrance is being worked on!
Yeah, I used supports. The miners died from digging holes under each other.