Peewee I'm not sure it would have worked at all - the water being pumped out will flow back into the river even quicker then you can replace it with - I know because I tried it at Shieldgears and I had to wall up and dig out the whole of the river to get it to flood properly.
I got the half that the pump was on filled and ended up building two more pumps on the other side, but the lag just got too much to bear, so I ended up abandoning the map.
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Submitted by: Peewee - 2009-01-22
Yeeeeaaaah That's going to take a while.
Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2009-01-23
"Tell me when it's finished!"
Submitted by: Jebraltix - 2009-01-24
Unfortunately... It wont finish. The whole fortress caught on fire and I've started a new map now.
Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2009-01-24
"Yar! Another one of those 'flaming forts'."
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-01-29
Peewee I'm not sure it would have worked at all - the water being pumped out will flow back into the river even quicker then you can replace it with - I know because I tried it at Shieldgears and I had to wall up and dig out the whole of the river to get it to flood properly.
Submitted by: Jebraltix - 2009-01-31
I got the half that the pump was on filled and ended up building two more pumps on the other side, but the lag just got too much to bear, so I ended up abandoning the map.