Artificial Waterfall by Kondor

Movie Description:

Basically a water tower pumps water 3 z levels up and then dumps all that water into the shower room which is mostly made up of floor grates which drain back into the brook

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Submitted by: Esaam - 2008-12-29

Very nice

Submitted by: Peewee - 2008-12-29

You could just use a lever instead of building a gear to turn it on... and sealing the top channel would keep the water from flowing back down. Heck, sealing off each pump would help even more.

With that many water wheels, I was expecting 10-20 pumps ^_^'

Submitted by: Kondor - 2008-12-30

A lever was added afterwards, I just wanted to record the final assembly of the tower

Submitted by: dungeon_tax_collector_master - 2009-01-01

A clean dwarf is a happy dwarf.


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
