Another siege for Deathquest, the 9th one to be exact. They are no threat because of our well placed weapon traps. 9 weapon traps and they're are not even in a row. The goblins are really dumb, dumber than dumb. Instead of charging through the weapon traps with only 10 deaths, they run through get scared, then charge through again like a meat grinder. Not that pleasent. Don't fret though! The next Orc Siege is going to have [TRAP_AVOID] or whatever the tag is called.
Submitted by: banna - 2008-12-26
Tsk tsk, such cowards, such stupid cowards.
[Message edited on 2008/12/26 at 05:48 by banna]
Submitted by: Gairabad - 2008-12-27
Spikes of groundhog leather? Nice.
Using notes to talk to the viewer? Good idea!
Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2008-12-27
Most of my videos I use the notes to talk to the viewer idea. It's helpful to explain what's going on.