The elves piss me off with their useless trades and refusing to take my overstocked amount of plump helmets so I made the tree huggers eat trees. Notice how far the pack donkey flies back.
Could you imagine if you were that elf? You approach a known friendly dwarven fortress only to turn the corner and be greeted with a ballista bolt to the face. I also love how the 2nd elf turned and fled when he saw the donkey fly out from behind the wall.
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Submitted by: elruffianos - 2008-12-24
Efficient method of execution.
Submitted by: juice - 2008-12-27
Could you imagine if you were that elf? You approach a known friendly dwarven fortress only to turn the corner and be greeted with a ballista bolt to the face. I also love how the 2nd elf turned and fled when he saw the donkey fly out from behind the wall.