Still going good. Working on arena and Grand Antechamber. Lost another dwarf do to non green glass needing fey mood. Lost one of my legendary miner due to a cave-in. That makes only 4 lost dwarves so far.
There are 9 comments for this map series, last post 2007-10-20
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Atheltobul, Ringcanyon
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SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.
Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-09-20 to 1052 Early Spring
Circles! Way cool. That eastern room looks like a starwars fighter pod.
[Message edited on 2007/09/20 at 03:35 by Markavian]
Submitted by: Savok - 2007-09-20 to 1052 Early Spring
Where can I get that tileset?
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2007-09-23 to 1054 Early Spring
Very trendy channels! They go right round those circular rooms 'n everything! Is it just me, or did you make the big circle one tile too wide?
Submitted by: [M]Tree - 2007-09-25 to 1054 Early Spring
i wanted to be able to bisect the circle with 1 square width up and down, honestly I'm not putting to much thought into this one. I'm just adding stuff as i go, i don't plan to make a "perfect" pre-made design till Z axis is in =D
Thanks for the compliment, wait till you see what i do with the magma.
Submitted by: [M]Tree - 2007-09-25 to 1052 Early Spring
Not sure, a friend gave me the tileset =P
Submitted by: Savok - 2007-09-25 to 1052 Early Spring
I asked Veryinky, he said it was part of DQ's object tileset package.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-09-29 to 1056 Mid Spring
Well fancy that, this is the 1000th map on the map archive, despite it having an ID of 1063. Congrats.
... and what a fine fort it is.
Submitted by: Fedor - 2007-10-20 to 1056 Mid Autumn
If you don't have all livestock caged, try doing so. It works wonders for me!
Submitted by: Savok - 2007-10-20 to 1056 Mid Autumn
Agreed. I have a smallish fortress running along at a nice 140FPS, then a dog decides that it wants to go through a non-pet-passable door. The speed is literally halved.