Magicbolts - 253 Late Summer by ClsfdKidd

Map Description:

I've made an impressive entrance, and punched through the aquifer twice. So far, a BUNCH of kobolds have been dropping by, but nothing too serious. My limonite statue garden brought fortress wealth to 186K dwarf bucks. Not shabby, not boast-worthy.

Places of note:
1) Dropping the whole sections of hill down the aquifer seems to allow for creative architecture+masonry to keep the water out of the lower levels. I may have an ego, but I love the retaining walls.
2) Double drop-bridges send enemies to the holding pen. This is where we get to either slam them with siege engines or pull the lever and send them 10z-levels down. Bonus points for the drop being through an aquifer.

I'm running out of stone, since I'm scared of mining out something I may want to engrave later. I need to carve up a barrack, hospital, and a REAL dining room. I also need to pump up magma from the depths, get a power generator going with the aquifer, and engineer a waterfall.

Also, at some point I need to organize my workshops.

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2010-12-29

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2010-12-08 to 253 Late Autumn

I never thought about using bridges for water smashing.
Yes, you'll probably need two pressure plates to reset the bridges, tho, I'm not exactly sure how that works.

Submitted by: Unbeltedsundew - 2010-12-29 to 253 Late Autumn

Don't know if it's changed in the newer version, but I used to not be able to hook two p plates into the same bridge. But smashing water with them is pretty damn clever anyways :)

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