Trailcross the Castle of Wonder - 201 Early Spring by Aykavil

Map Description:

Journal log:

Our party of unskilled escaped prisoners is stranded with no food, no supplies, no tools, only this stupid empty wagon with a broken wheel in the middle of nowhere. We're equidistant to dwarves, kobold, goblin, human and elven encampments.

The crowd
"We are stuck here!
We have no food!
We have no booze!
We have no tools!
We have nothing but rags!
We are doomed!"

The leader:
"You see unskilled dwarves, I see mighty workers.
You see an empty wagon, I see a kitchen, a workshop, and a trade depot.
You see nothing but sand and trees, lair of the Elves,
I see everything with glass and pearlash, craft of the Dwarves
You see a dangerous Volcano, I see a magma supply
You see a tasteless river, I see steam and stone
You see a stranded place, I see a strategic crossroad.
You see an empty plain, I see a mighty castle.
You see a journey hazard, I see destiny."
gesturing to the plain
"This is Trailcross, the Castle of Wonder"
pointing to the party
"and We are the Fabulous Rags!"

The crowd in awe
"He's mad!
It's sad!
He's possessed!
He's obsessed!
He's bonkers!
He's our leader!"

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2011-04-15

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Submitted by: Fred Bernd - 2010-11-23 to 201 Early Spring

That map is incredible!
What texture pack are you using?

Submitted by: Jeremiah - 2011-02-12 to 276 Mid Summer


Submitted by: Aykavil - 2011-04-15 to 231 Early Spring

The tile set is Mike Mayday's.

Viewer Controls


SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.


Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2010-10/aykavil-Trailcross-auto-201-spr.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
