And another year later, the bunker is done. Just in time too, got my dwarves to stockpile the right items just before the last month ended. It came out rather nicely, got all the stuff it needed to have and plenty more.
-The entrance has a bronze 4x3 drawbridge over a 2x3 channel, which is controlled from within the bunker.
-7 tower-cap beds to fit the color scheme
-Plenty of food and booze, most the booze is sunshine (I forgot to turn off some outside farms and I got a legendary grower)
I also threw in plenty of unneccesary overengineered nonsense like:
-a channel connected the brook that entirely runs through fortifications to prevent nasties from crawling in there. Dwarves can grab water from there through floor bars in each corner.
-an underground farm, with plenty of plump helmet spawn. Somehow I managed to run out of other underground plant seeds.
-neat black bronze pillars, floor decorations and vertical bars. Used marble for the rest of the floor. I did that just because the white/purple looked neat, but i suppose room value could also help those remaining 7 dwarves get over being the only remaining 7 dwarves and all.
This time there is even a screenshot! Top to bottom z-level from left to right.
The rest of the fortress didnt see much change, theres some extra work done on the workshop building, and I added some rooms with beds. Soon after completing the first of those I had ro remove the rooms due to endless 'item inaccesable' spam. Very annoying, stopped the housing project untill I find out how to get rid of that.
I also found out how to get rid the massive layer of blood that covered my fortress, DFhack appeared to come with its own set of tools, one of which cleaned up the whole map of nastyness.
There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2010-08-17
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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2010-08-12 to 54 Early Spring
MAGMA MOAT!! also i love the excessively dangerous magmaduct running right over your fort.
(sry my post got cut off for some reason)
[Message edited on 2010/08/14 at 02:50 by magic dwarf]
Submitted by: ray10k - 2010-08-13 to 53 Late Summer
the magma moat is currently under construction. also, you... what?
Submitted by: Grimlocke - 2010-08-17 to 56 Late Summer
Whoops, forgot to remove the redundant screenshot. Oh well.