Windcrested - 55 Late Summer by Grimlocke

Map Description:

Finished year 3! Well, I did a while ago but I was being lazy about logging.

The garden has some minor additions to it, all in all its not much more then the minimum requirement though. mostly due to the lack of proper industry being set up, thats all supposed to happen in another building that I hadnt even started building yet by the end of year 3. My priorities may be a bit off.

Anyhow, I continued for another half year or so to let me not do a total slackjob at the next chalenge, and to added more construction of course. The first floor with magma workshops is all done, and the next one is well under way.
There is also a large plaza a built in the middle. I orriginaly made a decorative mural in it with kaolinite and diorite, but my dwarves didnt like it and just painted the whole thing red with goblin blood. Along with the dining room, and much much more. I might need to run a cleaning utility as my attempt to dam the stuff in with floor bars failed (how the hell is there a whole pool of blood on there...) Running magma under it doesnt even evaporate the stuff, no boiling blood party for me. At least I have a mini-moat inside the fortress for building destroyers to have Fun with.

Im also running low on room at the ground level of my fortress, but I actualy planned for that (that is, planned not to plan). Its a way to make interesting architecture.

The mines I dug to get all this rock are also starting to become pretty huge. I tried using part as tree farm by flooding it, but nothing grows there. Same goes for the caverns by the way, there isnt a speck of mud in there, the first level has some trees but none have grown in years while the carven below has no plant life whatsoever. Maybe I should flood one of those...

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2010-08-17

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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2010-08-12 to 54 Early Spring

MAGMA MOAT!! also i love the excessively dangerous magmaduct running right over your fort.
(sry my post got cut off for some reason)

[Message edited on 2010/08/14 at 02:50 by magic dwarf]

Submitted by: ray10k - 2010-08-13 to 53 Late Summer

the magma moat is currently under construction. also, you... what?

Submitted by: Grimlocke - 2010-08-17 to 56 Late Summer

Whoops, forgot to remove the redundant screenshot. Oh well.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2010-08/grimlocke-Windcrested-region1-55-18615.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
