Windcrested - 54 Early Spring by Grimlocke

Map Description:

Windcrested from the parralel chalenge game 'the queen wants *what*?' in its second year.

Decided to go with an outside fortress, so most time has gone into construction of the whole thing. Its not done yet but its got:
A military of 3 legendaries and 5 normal dwarves,
A magmaduct and magma moat,
Walls surrounding the fortress,
A nearly-finished dining room and food warehouse.

Built/trained in that order, I brought 3 soldier dwarves on embark. Shows something about my priorities too hehe.

There is also a small garden, I read the garden request while my fort was somewhere in its 1st year, firgured I should have at least something before the next year. Might expand on it before the end of year 54.

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2010-08-17

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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2010-08-12 to 54 Early Spring

MAGMA MOAT!! also i love the excessively dangerous magmaduct running right over your fort.
(sry my post got cut off for some reason)

[Message edited on 2010/08/14 at 02:50 by magic dwarf]

Submitted by: ray10k - 2010-08-13 to 53 Late Summer

the magma moat is currently under construction. also, you... what?

Submitted by: Grimlocke - 2010-08-17 to 56 Late Summer

Whoops, forgot to remove the redundant screenshot. Oh well.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2010-08/grimlocke-Windcrested-region1-54-666.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
