This was taken about 1 year after the previous upload. The number of dwarves has doubled since then I believe. I added walls, and my main source of income is making rock crafts.
There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2010-07-13
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SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.
Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file:
but you will need the .NET version of
SL's DF Map Compressor
to convert to the .PNG image format.
Submitted by: juice - 2010-07-13 to 1051 Mid Winter
I like the way you've dug out the mineral veins even though it cuts into your fortress design a little. Makes the fort look more natural.
Couple tips...
Make your hallways at least 2-3 tiles wide. Once you get 15-20 dwarves, they will start to get really jammed up in those tiny hallways and take a large amount of time to get from point a to point b. Once you throw animals in the mix, this becomes even worse ~_~
To get rid of excess stone, you can make a 'dump zone'. First, press 'i' to open the zone menu. Place a 1 tile wide zone at the location that you want all of your stone to go. Once you place it, press g to set it to a garbage dump.
Next, find any stone or item you want to get rid of, and press d -> b -> d. Now make a box around everything you want to dump. Alternatively you can click on objects as well.
Now your dwarves will take the stone (or whatever other objects you selected) and drop them on that pile. It'll make a nice, neat, 1 tile stockpile that holds an infinite amount of items. I like to set this up right next to my masons/mechanics workshop so they have to travel a very small distance to pick up the stone. Note that you'll have to 'Claim' the objects again once you've dumped them.
You can easily do this by pressing d -> b -> c and clicking on the tile you designated as the dump zone. You should see the objects go from a green highlight, to not being highlighted at all.
Hope this helps, keep at it and you'll make some awesome fortresses!
Submitted by: xcrissxcrossx - 2010-07-13 to 1051 Mid Winter
Thanks for the help. I'll use all of those tips.
I'll post an updated map after another season or 2.